Tommy was born into a musical family in the foothills of Western NC (our Murphy connection). Both his parents and sister played piano. He started on piano at the age of four, playing with his father. He took lessons in grade school and took up the guitar at age thirteen. After one year of classical guitar at UNC-CH, Hartley switched his major to voice. The rest, as they say, is history.
Hartley has played and sung his entire life, beginning in junior high. With stints in The Sutter’s Gold Streak Band, among others, he honed his craft while living the dream of rock stardom. Badge, Rockinghorse, The Silverliners, The Five Star Band, Out ‘N The Cold, Blue Coyote, SlowHand, The Doug Prescott Band, The Nancy Middleton Band, Rewind, The Tornado Blues Band, Trickbag, Five Easy Pieces, Idlewild South... all were graced with his presence.
His eggs are all in Manteo Murphy's basket now. With four strong singers, popular original material, a grasp of classic rock unmatched in these times, the band hopes to play the music we all love best for as many people as possible.
With a CD in the works, Manteo Murphy is positioned to move up the totem of current musical groups. Only time will tell.